A quarter of couples stay together for kids despite unhappiness
A new survey suggests that a quarter of married couples are only staying together for the good of their children and have plans to divorce once their children reach adulthood.
The survey revealed the top ten reasons for unhappy couples to stay together as follows:
Too much to lose generally
Staying together for the benefit of children
Not enough money to live alone if one left the marital home
Not enough money to fund a divorce
Waiting to see if things improve
Concern about what others would think
Spouse has more money
Concerns over whether contact with children would stop if one left the martial home
Wouldn’t find a new partner
Finances too intertwined
The survey of 1000 couples with children found that one fifth would be staying together for Christmas before getting the divorce ball rolling in the new year.
Using a solicitor can help address a good many of the worries people have when they decide they want to divorce. If money is an issue then a solicitor can make sure that your finances are successfully disentangled and that you have a fair share. If child contact is an issue then a solicitor can work with you to ensure that contact continues.
If you are considering divorce and want to find out what your options are then contact us in complete confidence. We can advise you what your rights are in relation to children, finances and property and how much a divorce might cost. You can call us on 02071006100.