With 2024’s Paris Olympics well underway, it is perhaps no surprise that the general public’s attention has once again shifted towards the private lives of its herculean, and often admirable, athletes. Conjecture surrounding their personal relations and pastimes repeatedly seems to be a favoured point of speculation, with many questions being raised about how they build and maintain their romantic relationships.
In truth, professional athletes do often face a set of unique challenges, which accompany their occupation, that can affect their personal lives – so what does this mean for their marriages? Studies and reports suggest that the divorce rate among professional athletes is significantly higher than that of the general population, with estimates ranging from 60% to 80% compared to approximately 50% for the UK average. Although this might seem confirm some people’s hasty assumptions that athletes tend to be more vacuous than others, there are in fact a combination of valid factors that do make it difficult for many of them to maintain long-term, stable marriages.
Being An Olympian Is Demanding
The first, and probably most prominent, of factors that contributes to a high divorce rate among professional athletes is simply the demanding nature of their careers. The dedication and time that is required to succeed in their discipline – especially at Olympic competitive level – often means that athletes have to travel extensively while also adhering to unconventional schedules for training that can hamper their relationships. As a result, Olympians often have little time and energy left for anything other than their jobs, and this in turn puts a lot of strain on their marriages, which can end up falling prey to some level of neglect.
Youth And Impulsivity Are Also At Play
Many athletes also marry at a young age, before they even get the chance to mature enough to fully understand and prepare for the complexities that a long-term commitment of that nature entails. On the other hand, athletes can also be prone to making impulsive decisions as a result of their oftentimes driven and energetic personalities (after all, one has to be naturally inclined to have the will power that it takes to get to the Olympics). This unfortunately can lead to poor decision making when it comes to choosing a partner, resulting in marriages that are ill-equipped to withstand the pressures of professional sports life. Add fame, fortune, and a lack of life experience to this concoction, and the result is a volatile environment that is not particularly conducive to maintaining a lasting relationship.
The Challenges Of Fame, Money, And Success
It is no secret that the pitfalls of ‘making it big’ at anything in the public eye are formidable for whosoever might face them. Fame and wealth can add yet another layer of complications to the athlete’s marriage, especially when the combination of constant public scrutiny and adoration from fans leads to an inflated ego and greater insecurity, coupled with increased opportunities for infidelity. An Olympian level athlete will often find themselves in environments where they are surrounded by admirers, some of whom may be extremely forward about getting them to compromise their marital vows. Additionally, the pressures of being in the public can also put strain on their emotional and mental wellbeing, which only exacerbates the situation. All of this makes it considerably harder for a successful athlete to maintain a private and stable relationship that isn’t heavily affected by their unusual lifestyles.
Speaking Of Money
Unfortunately, when athletes do get divorced, things are generally just as complicated for them as separating involves significant financial stakes, making their divorce more likely to be contested or take longer to settle. Dividing marital assets can be particularly complex, especially when considering any future income, endorsements, and bonuses for the athlete. In particular, the future income of an athlete is likely to be hotly contested with the athlete arguing that it should considered separate from the marriage and their spouse likely arguing that future income should be considered as part of the matrimonial pot. There will also be differences in approach taken towards any guaranteed future income, signing bonuses, and endorsement deals, etc. when compared to mere potential future income, both of which are capable of being classed as matrimonial property depending on the circumstances of the case.
Further, spousal and child support obligations can also be substantial due to the income disparity between athletes and their non-athlete spouses. While courts may be less likely to award long-term spousal maintenance in short-term marriages (which these stats my indicate are more likely for athletes), child maintenance calculations can result in significant obligations for the athlete due to their high earnings being taken into account. This could be yet another contributing factor to the higher rates of divorce among professional athletes, as disgruntled spouses may be more likely to file for divorce in the hopes of securing a significant financial settlement.
Marriage is undoubtedly a challenging venture to embark on, regardless of whether you are an athlete or not. At Grayfords, we believe in furnishing our clients with the tools they need to try and amicably resolve any family conflicts that they are facing. We have partnered with therapists, relationship counsellors , and mediators so that our clients can avail themselves of more holistic resources if they are wanting to save their marriage rather than jumping straight into divorce. However, we also understand that sometimes things don’t work out and that a divorce becomes unfortunately necessary . Our family law solicitors are experienced in negotiating financial and child arrangements and are also able to assist in cases of domestic violence. If you need legal support with a family issue, then don’t hesitate to contact us today and book in your free consultation to find out more about how we can help.