With Britain’s economy suffering further damage caused by both the measures put into place following the latest wave of Covid-19 infections and the uncertainty due to Brexit (the Guardian reported that 2020 was the worst year for growth in three centuries), we are living in very uncertain times. While it is natural to want to wait until things go back to some form of normal before creating more uncertainty in your life by leaving a relationship, is it really the right thing to do to hold out until the situation improves?
Why remain in an unhealthy relationship?
There are many reasons why people opt to stay with their other half, even though things are far from perfect: children, family ties or financial issues, to name but a few.
However, while it is a very personal decision on when is the right time to end a relationship, staying in a relationship that you know has come to an end while you wait for a more stable environment, can result in anxiety, resentment and even depression. What’s more, staying with someone for the sake of something or someone else, can lead to more arguments and can cause the relationship to break down even further.
Is now the right time to leave my partner?
With lockdowns forcing many couples to spend more time together than ever before and the pandemic causing most of us to feel understandably anxious, it is no surprise that some people are finding that their relationship is struggling.
Seeking help in the form of relationship counselling (available remotely through various organizations such as Relate) can help you to find your way through the problems you may be facing in your relationship.
Otherwise, if you are sure that your relationship is over (or even if you would just like some advice on what a divorce or break-up would mean for you), our experienced divorce lawyers are here to help.
We believe that no-one should ever feel trapped in an unhealthy relationship. Seeking legal advice as early on as possible during a relationship breakdown, will enable you to understand what to expect and should help to put your mind at rest. Get in touch to book your free video consultation with one of our expert divorce lawyers today.