Who are they?
Rights of Women are a voluntary organisation which aims to empower women to access their legal rights. The organisation was founded in 1975 and gives advice on a wide range of legal issues such as family law, divorce and relationship breakdown, children and contact issues, domestic violence, rape and sexual assault, discrimination and lesbian parenting.
Free Advice Lines
The Rights of Women run a variety of different help lines which deal with different areas of law:
- Family law advice line
- Criminal law advice line
- Immigration and asylum law advice line
- Ascent advice line for women and advisers in London
The legal advisors are all female solicitors or barristers who volunteer with Rights of Women.
Online Information Sheets
Rights of Women have a wealth of useful information on their website, including easy to follow information sheets on many areas of law that affect women and their children. Areas covered include domestic violence, child access rights, marriage and divorce as well as many others. The information sheets can be found here.
How do I get in touch?
Website: http://www.rightsofwomen.org.uk/
Family law advice line – Call 020 7251 6577 (telephone) or 020 7490 2562 (textphone) on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday 7pm-9pm and Fridays 12pm-2pm
Criminal law advice line – Call 020 7251 8887 (telephone) or 020 7490 2562 (textphone) on Tuesday 11am-1pm
Immigration and asylum law advice line – Call 020 7490 7689 (telephone) or 020 7490 2562 (textphone) or 020 7490 2562 (textphone) on Mondays between 12pm and 3pm and Thursdays between 10am and 1pm.
*Image taken from the official Rights of Women website*