Women’s Aid is the national domestic violence charity that helps up to 250,000 women and children every year.
Women’s Aid recognises that all women and children have a right to live their lives free from all forms of violence and abuse, and that society has a duty to recognise and defend this right.
About Women’s Aid…
Founded in 1974 Women’s Aid have over 30 years’ experience of helping victims of domestic violence.
As well as offering help and advice to women who are, or have been, victims of domestic violence, Women’s Aid prepares research and reports with recommendations for other charities, communities and the government on how to tackle the problems caused by gender-based violence.
Women’s Aid have won many awards for their work and have a number of celebrity ambassadors including Will Young, Kevin Whately, Bill Ward and Tana & Gordon Ramsay.
What services do they offer?
In partnership with Refuge, they run the Freephone 24-hour national domestic violence helpline. They also display a host of useful information on their website
The Hideout is a webpage which is specially designed for children and young people. It aims to help young people understand domestic abuse and how to take positive action if it is happening to them.
The Survivor’s Handbook provides advice to victims on areas including housing, legal rights and child welfare
What are they currently campaign for?
A growing crisis of unmet need: what the figures alone don’t show you
This report focuses on the impact of cuts and subsequent service loss in the specialist domestic violence sector and the impact on survivors of adopting a one-size-fits-all approach to support provision. The report urges the government to focus on the needs of victims and to work with charities like Women’s Aid to find an approach that can meet these needs using the limited resources now available.
Women’s Access to justice
Women’s Aid is currently working in partnership with Sara Charlton Charitable Foundation and Paladin to campaign for a new law that criminalises coercive control, which is the controlling patterns of behaviour which form the core of domestic violence.
On Wednesday 5th March 2014 the Campaign released a report calling for the Government to close gaps in the law around domestic violence which allow perpetrators to avoid prosecution for their abusive behaviour.
Virtual World, Real Fear
Women’s Aid has published a new report, Virtual world, real fear: Women’s Aid report into online abuse, harassment and stalking that aims to highlight the problem of online stalking and abuse. In the report it explains that online abuse has been underestimated by all statutory services. It is vital that online abuse, harassment and stalking is seen and dealt with as part of the spectrum of domestic violence.
How do I contact them?
Call the national domestic violence helpline, run in partnership between Women’s Aid and Refuge, on 0808 2000 247.
You can also visit their website here.