Going through a divorce can be a very stressful and emotional time for all of those involved. Allegations made against each other as part of the divorce process, can often have the potential to cause serious damage to both parties’ reputations. With social media making it easier than ever before to publicise inaccurate and unsubstantiated assertions about someone, it is crucial to consider how you can ensure your reputation is protected during your divorce case.
Why reputation management and family law go hand in hand
Ensuring that your reputation remains unscathed is vital, both for your professional and personal life. Going through a divorce in particular, has the potential to result in damage to your reputation.
While emotions are running high, the temptation for the other party to post harmful allegations about you online or, if you are a public figure, even in the press, can be too much.
Having family lawyers on your side, who will work with you to ensure that your reputation is not blemished by any allegations made by your former partner, is essential.
How can we help?
At Grayfords, we deal with many high-net-worth clients and understand the importance of keeping a positive profile.
We offer free reputation threat monitoring throughout the life of your case, no matter how long your divorce takes, so you can rest assured that your reputation is being looked after by our expert team.
Using our specialist technology, we can constantly keep track of the internet, including social media platforms, for any comments about you, your family or your business. Should a threat arise that necessitates further action, we can immediately take steps to protect your reputation. Depending on the circumstances, this can include commencing appropriate legal proceedings to obtain a court order to get the content removed, enacting your right to be forgotten and taking action with the relevant website to get the content taken down.
Our software can identify a diverse range of potential threats including revenge porn, fake news, profile cloning (when fake accounts are created with the aim of discrediting an individual) and even any data breaches involving your data.
All of our clients are offered the use of our reputation monitoring tool free of charge as part of their divorce. Get in touch to book your free consultation with one of our family lawyers to find out more about how we can help.